We know we bombarded you with emails during June and July in order to succeed at our Kickstarter campaign.
And succeed we did! Over and above what we expected. We raised $23,904 of our $22,000 goal. Kickstarter featured us as one of their favorite projects. We doubled our donors (with over 300 people donating to our campaign). And if you are one of our buddies who either donated personally or spread the word, you know who you are and so do we and we are so grateful. So thank you for putting up with our onslaught of emails, and for helping us pay for our archival footage, sound mixing and color correction. It’s a huge help.
Many of you who donated have started to receive your rewards in the mail. Of course some of them, like our DVD, won’t be ready for a while. However, many rewards continue to go out, including our fabulous “When in Doubt, Twirl” t-shirt, the first wave of which were just mailed! Check out the video above to see our fabulous shirts being shipped – maybe even to you!
We wish we could say that was all the money that we need… but the beat goes on. We continue to write grants and make personal appeals in order to garner the last $130,000 that we need to pay the bills. But we’re on the home stretch, really. We’ve already raised nearly $270,000 and we feel confident that the rest will come (especially with your help).