A Thanksgiving Poem by Thomas Pruiksma

This week we’re sharing occasion poems.  Here is a Thanksgiving special read to our  Executive Producer and Director last year at his Thanksgiving dinner.  Of course it’s apropos!  Thank you Thomas!

The Big Joy

for Stephen


I want

on this day

as they say

of thanksgiving

to give thanks

for love

and for joy


too little of either

in the world

that we’ve made

the world

that covers up

the world


but the joy

that we name

is not the joy

that we know


just beyond words


always beyond

what the eyes

can see


what a tongue

with practice

can say


like our friend

the little frog

outside the door

or perhaps

a little inside

the way we go out


or even

between walls

between worlds



his song

keeps our hearts singing


in spite of the new darkness

and descent

of the year


the fear

we won’t make it

this time


all fears

are really fears

of loving

and being loved


are fears

of getting the gift whole


no light

without darkness

and the terrors of seeing


no sight

without sunshine

in the eyes



do you hear

what I say


no sorrow

without its own joy


say one

and the other is


in the saying



sailing out

from hearth

and from home





in the silence

before dawn


health demands more

than a little sorrow

or a little joy


a big sorrow

big enough

for big joy

big joy


a big joy

big enough for sorrow


the freedom

of the frog’s

lone song


and so


between past and



I give thanks

for the sorrow

that completes the big joy


the great sorrow

and great joy

beyond words


Thomas H. Pruiksma

Thanksgiving 2009

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