The Sound of Joy!


Sieber and Schiller’s original music soundtrack for the award-winning feature documentary BIG JOY: The Adventures of James Broughton is now available!

Download your sneak peak right now… & Buy your advance copy today!
James Broughton loved Jami Sieber’s cello music. And so do we, which is why we invited her and < href="!soundtracks/c107s" target="_blank">Evan Schiller to make the movie soundtrack.

“Prior to Big Joy, I had written only two pieces in major key,” Jami laughs. She’s been playing the cello since she was seven. “I think I was brought into this project trusting that the muse would find a different language through me.”

“We wanted people to be able to take a journey, even if they haven’t seen the film,” said drummer and composer Evan Schiller.
BigJoySoundtrackCover-300x270When we talked to the two around the time they were creating the soundtrack, we knew the muse was indeed at work. Sound designer James LeBrecht, whose specialty is documentary sound, commented that it was “the best” documentary score he has heard.

“We’ve had a few sessions of complete laughing hysteria in the studio,” Sieber confessed. We, at the Big Joy Project have always seen that as a good sign!

This album is meant to be its own work of art, including Broughton poetry, the “Twirl” theme by Norman Arnold, and a surprise bonus track!

The Soundtrack features longer versions of the film’s music, interspersed with James Broughton reading his poetry. Several poems not in the film – including “Here’s to It” and “Ode to Gaeity”—are brought to life in the recording.

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